
Colorectal Cancer Is On the Rise—Here’s How We’re Fighting Back

Colorectal Cancer Is On the Rise—Here’s How We’re Fighting Back

DUDES, we need to talk about your butt (no we’re not talking about your wiping technique today). You’re at risk for colorectal cancer. It’s true—while both men and women can get colorectal cancer, guys have a slightly higher risk. In fact, 1 in 23 guys will get colorectal cancer, compared to 1 in 25 women.

Nobody likes to talk about it, but guys also die from this cancer. It’s the #3 cause of cancer death for men and the #2 cause of cancer death for men & women combined.

What’s crazy, though, is that in many cases, colorectal cancer can be preventable. That’s right—getting screened for colorectal cancer on time can erase your risk or help you catch cancer early when you’re more likely to beat it.


Not to be a party pooper, but the stats above apply to all dudes hitting the john. But for younger guys—those in their 40s or younger—something’s going on. Colon and rectal cancer are on the rise among young men, and it’s expected to be the #1 cancer killer for DUDES under 50.

It’s rising in nearly all groups. It’s skyrocketing in Hispanic men. Black men are more likely to get it and die from it compared to white men. It’s a big problem, but there’s hope.


DUDE Wipes and Fight CRC have teamed up this March. The DUDE Wipes team will be with Fight CRC on the National Mall to raise awareness.

We hope you’ll take a minute to learn the symptoms, know your screening options, and figure out when and how to get screened. In fact, you can do that right now: Take Fight CRC’s Screening Quiz to see if your butt’s at risk.

If it is, quit wiping away the signs and talk to your doctor.

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