clean your bathroom

Why You're Repulsing Women With Your Bathroom

Why You're Repulsing Women With Your Bathroom

Grab a toilet brush, because we're about to get down and dirty with some bathroom cleaning tips.

If you’re planning on having company over, there’s a minimum amount of DUDE-ness you must exhibit if you want a chance of said company returning to your domain.

Here’s the upside: If you do these basic bathroom cleaning tasks (which take about 15 minutes to do), you’ll have a clean bathroom that looks better than 90% of DUDES out there.

Because let’s be honest, guys are just straight up filthy. For example, half of all dudes don't wash their faces. Also, during our research, we heard of a guy who didn’t keep toilet paper at his place because he only went #2 at work, and thus had no need for it. And those of you who do actually have toilet paper probably aren't wiping right.

Anyone you bring back to your place will like a tiny, clean apartment better than a flashy condo with soap scum, grout, mildew, and no towels. Think about it, if there is a place a woman might put her mouth or bare ass it better be clean.

The problem is our clean meter as guys is off. What we think is clean isn’t what a woman might think is clean. Here’s an easy test for you to correct this — take a few pictures of your bathroom as if you were going to post them on Instagram for feedback. If you look at those pictures and are terrified of the blowback you might get, it’s time to get your Mr. Clean on.

And if you’re still completely lost as to what your bathroom needs for a girl to feel comfortable, here are 6 things you MUST do.

1. Clean some damn surfaces

We’re talking hands and knees and scrub brushes. Your toilet bowl is enemy #1 and shouldn’t have any visible stains on it. Same goes for the bathroom floor, countertops, faucet, shower doors, and faucet. Oh, and don't forget to dust.

2. Buy some spare toothbrushes

If a lady is staying the night, she’s going to want to make sure she doesn’t have dragon breath in the morning. Have some travel toothbrushes and spare toothpaste in a drawer and give her a heads up one is available in the morning — tell her you happen to have a spare one.

3. Keep a trash can with a lid and a bag

Ladies have different bathroom needs than we do. While you might think the bathroom garbage can is for beer cans and hocking loogies, women need a place to dispose of things we frankly don’t need to worry about.

4. Clean, fresh towels

This means bath towels and hand towels. Normal people like fresh, fluffy towels, not the crusty, stinky ragsyou wash once a quarter.

5. Hand soap

Not a grimy bar of soap, but a normal bottle of hand soap by the sink. Unlike us barbarians, women wash their hands after they use the bathroom, so give them a pleasant experience. If you don’t have it, they’ll know you don’t wash your hands and will be rightfully grossed out.

6. Toilet paper and DUDE wipes

None of the 1-ply nonsense and hang the roll OVER not under.We know women don’t poop, but they have to clean their lady bits, so make sure it’s the good stuff. DUDE Wipes also come in handy for the same purpose, and other lady-like tasks like make-up removal.

Here are some bonus tips if you’d like to take your bathroom game to the next level.

  • Keep cleaning supplies on hand in case of an emergency clean-up situation: paper towels, bathroom cleaner, and disinfecting wipes.

  • Have a candle handy. We’re not saying you need to flood your room with them like Steve Carrell in 40 Year Old Virgin, but it can help with diffusing offensive odors and setting the mood.

  • Have some fresh plain t-shirts and a few pairs of athletic shorts handy. Not only will your lady appreciate not having to go home in her outfit from last night, but you won’t lose your precious hoodies and sweatpants.

If you're wondering why you're getting ghosted after sleepovers, your bathroom game could be the culprit. You have to come correct with your bathroom game and there's no better way to show it than with DUDE Wipes.

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